This program provides concentrated attention and skill-building for mid- to high-level managers or professionals.
You want to move up, succeed and fulfill your aspirations, but something is holding you back. It's not unusual. In fact, sometimes the precise qualities that make you successful at a certain level in your career can work against you as look to advance.
You hear it from others or see it yourself. You know there are particular skills you need to build and improve, and yet you have done all you can think of at this point. You are looking for new ideas, a different approach, another perspective.
You are more likely to make good on the talent and potential that's an inherent part of you, through the support and structure of a coaching program.
Through this program, customized for you, you can learn things like how to:
Image: highway, mikdam, Bigstockphoto
"From a one-on-one perspective, I sincerely appreciated Mary’s low-key approach to draw out my issues and resolutions. It was a case of her helping a very busy person who was also frustrated with the work environment and not focused on what was important. Due to the coaching, I was able to organize my thoughts and goals into a series of small steps that are leading me down the path I want to go. I am now happier at home and at work. It was all right in front of me — I just needed Mary to help me focus on it and see it!”
- Manager at a Leading Retail Chain
The design and components of how we work together depend on your specific situation. Generally, based on my work with other clients, it most effective to meet twice a month over the course of 3-6 months. The most basic package starts at $375.
Together, we'll develop and implement your own customized private individual Success Plan, following the general outline here.
Step 1. Assess the Situation– Determine your recognition of what needs to change, and your willingness to make changes.
Step 2. Determine the Target – Depending on your unique needs, we'll prioritize our focus, whether it's on skill building, practice, self-awareness, research, performance, or any number of areas where you want to make a change or improvement, with a trusted partner.
Step 3. Design and Implement an Action Plan– Create an action plan that builds a foundation for strong leadership of self and others. that you grow and develop in line with your original vision for yourself and your contribution to the organization's goals.
You can find further details on the logistics of how we can work together here on my Frequently Asked Questions and Working with Me pages.
When you invest in yourself like this, you reap the benefits of your choices, perhaps in the investment you've made in your own education, career aspirations or with a particular employer. Click here to read about some of my other clients' experiences and results.
The focused, structured, customized aspects of a coaching program are intended to help you grow to deliver on organization goals while at the same time getting the work done in such a way that you are able to realize your dreams and enjoy your work.
For a private complimentary consultation on how this customized coaching program can meet your needs simply complete the form at the bottom of this page,
"From the first time I read an article Mary had written on having difficult discussions in business, I knew I needed to speak with her about her approach to executive coaching. She is an expert from top to bottom.
She had a disciplined curriculum, was well organized and flexible enough to understand the demands of a Silicon Valley exec. As she worked through the process with me, all my colleagues she encountered were impressed with her detailed approach to executive coaching. She was able to provide me with insights and feedback, I felt was needed for me to move into the C-suite..."
- Daryl McNutt, Daryl McNutt, Digital Technology Leader
(c) Mary C. Schaefer, 2009-2025. All rights reserved. No content on this site may be reused without written permission from Mary Schaefer.